Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources

Photo of library reference book

Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources

½ûÂþÌìÌà is committed to providing equal opportunity access to its online resources. It recognizes that there may be unintentional barriers to access to its online resources which may be addressed by technology and is endeavoring on an ongoing basis to improve its systems to mitigate and remove barriers with the goal of providing equal opportunity access to participate in the University programs, benefits, and services,delivered through electronic and information technology means.

For assistance and support with accessibility issues, please contact the Office of Specialized Services at 201-200-2091 or email jaitken@njcu.edu


While we encourage those that have a concern or complaint about accessibility to University online resources to contact the Office of Specialized Services so that the University may consider and address such concerns or complaints, a user may file a complaint directly with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights ("OCR") using OCR's online complaint process described in the following link:
