½ûÂþÌìÌà Email

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½ûÂþÌìÌà Email

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How to Access Your ½ûÂþÌìÌà Email

½ûÂþÌìÌà Student Email

Access the

Username: Your Username is your ½ûÂþÌìÌà issued email address. (i.e., xxxxxxxx@njcu.edu)

Password: Your Password is the one associated with your GothicNet Portal and Blackboard account.

Note: New students should have received a letter from Admissions office with their credentials to access Email, GothicNet and Blackboard

Need help with ½ûÂþÌìÌà Email Account, please use our

If you need further assistance, please contact the Student Technology Help Desk at 201-200-3350 or helpdesk@njcu.edu.

½ûÂþÌìÌà email is the official means of communication with all students. Please check your ½ûÂþÌìÌà Email daily to:

  • Stay up to date on all payment deadlines, class assignments, meetings, and events
  • Hear about opportunities like scholarships, clubs, and more that will enrich your college experience.
  • Notified about emergency cancellations, closures, delays, and incidents.

½ûÂþÌìÌà Faculty and Staff Email

Graphic that says Hablamos Español, and many other languages, too! Just use our translation tool in the upper-right hand corner to find yours.

Microsoft Exchange® Email is a server-based email system that uses the Microsoft Outlook® desktop application as the primary user client. In addition Email, Outlook serves as a comprehensive personal information manager (PIM) that provides:

  • Calendar - appointments, meetings, and events; including calendar sharing and assigning assistant management.
  • Personal and Global Address books (Contacts) that can store multiple personal email addresses and telephone numbers, important dates, and notes per entry.
  • Multi-level email storage (Folders) for easy message management.
  • Task management, including the ability to assign and track tasks to others.
  • Notes creation and management.
  • RSS (Rich Site Summary) subscription
  • Comprehensive search
  • Archiving and retention (automatic and user-defined rules)
  • Global categories assignment
  • Multiple, user-defined views of email and data
  • Activity Journaling for the Microsoft Office suite of applications.
  • Access via most browsers using Office Web App® (OWA)

Supplemental Information

  • E-mail Guidelines 
    This document provides simple e-mail guidelines to ensure appropriate communications among members of the University community, and with prospective business and educational partners in the global Internet community. Students should also follow these guidelines when communicating with faculty and staff, and when engaging in business or support situations via e-mail.
  • Netiquette Resources
    Showing good manners when communicating over the Internet is a highly desirable skill that everyone should acquire. This document provides links to some of the best resources available on the 'net. Here you will also find a quiz to test your knowledge, learn some of the most common Internet Acronyms, and much more.